Arturia sounds much worse when recorded in Ableton Live than when played in Analog Lab V

Hello. I’m having problems with my first ever attempt at creating music. I just purchased Keylab Essential 61 mk3, installed Analog Lab V and Ableton live 11 lite. I then selected Analog Lab V plugin in Ableton, and dragged it onto a track. I then selected an instrument in Analog Lab V (named “Synthwave Split”). Everything seems to work except that when I record a key in Ableton and play it back, it souns boring and flat while in Analog V the key sounds much richer. What am I doing wrong?

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Hello @Mcm welcome to our community!

I’m sorry to hear that you have problems with your first very attempt…But I already done the same that you did and it works fine. Can you send like a video with a link or a picture, to see what could be the problem?

Let me know! Great Day!

This sounds like you have an effect enabled in Ableton that is dulling the sound of Analog Lab V.

Look for something like an equaliser or a filter.

Also, are you using the same preset in Ableton that you are in Analog Lab V stand-a-lone.

Hi @Mcm welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

Sorry to read this, in order to help you better please log in to your account to contact our Technical support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:

Thank you all, I finally think I know what is happening: I would launch Analog V and select an instrument and then start Ableton and drag the Analog plugin on the track, which then launched another (duplicate) Analog V window but with a different instrument on. So while I was hearing 2 instruments playing for each key press, Ableton was recording only one (from the window that it launched itself).

I wish there was a simple tutorial for absolute beginners that would show basic steps of getting Arturia to work with Analog lab and Ableton (just the software that is included in the package), It would have saved me hours and hours so far.


Hi @Mcm
That’s great news that you’ve managed to figure this out.
I do understand your frustration, but figuring it out yourself really is the best way of learning, it helps to give you a much deeper understanding than any quick start or ‘how to’ video could ever do.
Of course there are times when we just cannot figure something out by ourselves, it’s the same for all of us.
But, you managed it yourself and that’s something to feel good about! :sunglasses:

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