Are there actually "Over 350 new presets" in 3.0?

So I installed the latest version of PB Connect and also installed the 3.0 firmware…great new features! So far I’ve only really dug into the distortion effects, but they are cool enough on their own to justify this update!
That said, I am confused about the “Over 350 new presets” claim made on the web page describing the update. The Factory 3.0 bank that shows up in the new Connect appears to be made up almost entirely of old factory patches. Am I missing something? Have these all been updated to take advantage of the new features, yet not renamed? Or is there a mysterious location that these “new” presets live in?

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So no one has an answer one way or the other? Is there a better place to ask this question?

Hi @bpodtoys . Welcome to the community.

I don’t own Polybrute.
I only know what you can read here:
As i understand it, then it’s a reworked library.

I can suggest you contact Arturia support through your account for further informations if needed,

I see a lot of new patches in the 3.0 bank as well as old patches that some sounds different to me. It´s a rework like already mentioned.

I would also like to get more information on this. I’m not seeing 350 new presets with 3.0, the total number of presets available in Polybrute Connect is the same.

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I also believe it to be reworked sounds, to take advantage of new features in the latest os


Perhaps that they are almost all new patches? :smiley:

See the listings below. There are only 39 of the same patches in the original factory bank and the 3.0 factory bank, so that’s 345 new patches in the 3.0 bank.

Here are all the original factory and factory 3.0 patches - they’re quite different, only a few of the original patches are included:

(there’s also a factory 2.0 bank with 64 new sounds - all of these are available in PB Connect - be sure to tick “Include Legacy Banks” in the main menu)
(a little wonky highlights since the code tags tries to colour syntax…)

Factory Original          Factory 3.0

13 VCOs                   808 Mafia
40 Years                  A B Trip
A B Trip                  A Great Disturbance
Acid Morphing             Absence Of Light
Aciiiid                   Abyss
Adventure Time            Acid Arp
African Qween             Acid Beam
After Touch Brass         Acid Future
Alien Alarm               Adventure Time
Amped Clarinet            Aft Oct
Analog Bass               After Split
Angry Bass                After Switch Lifts
Aquatic Ody-C             After Thickener
Artefax                   Akwrd Brass
Astral Lead               Aliased Keys
Astral Wave               Alkaline Koto
Bard Song                 Aluminium
Baroquesque               Ambient Brute
Bass Template             Ambient Spiral
Bast                      Ambient Stories
Batari 1985               Ambivalent Score
Bells And Clouds          Amplified Shadows
BigBass                   Amrit Lead
Binaurarp                 An Arp Hiding
Birdy                     Analog Bass
Bladerunning 2028         Analog Piano
Blooming Spores           Another Score
Blue Thunder              Arctic Depth
Blue Waves                Armada Of Saws
Blueprint                 As You Are
Bokeh Sequins             Aspiration
Bow N Arrow               Atlantis Haze
Brain Damager             Atonal Energy
Brass Chord Cloud         Back to 80's
Brass Power               Back To Square One
Brassicole                Bard Song
Brassperlenspiel          Bass Canon
Bremen Bass               Bass Cave
Brutal FM Boys            Bass Chords
Brute Embrace             Bass Evolution
Buckle Up                 Bassit
Calm Minstrel             Basstard Seq
Captain                   Beautiful Wonderland
Cassette RFI              Beauty Amidst Chaos
Cateline                  Bell Trip
Celest Voices             Big Decay
Cheesy to Syncy           Black Hole Phase
Cheezy                    Bleu Lead
Cheyenne Pad              Bliss Dividers
Children Arpg             Blooming Spores
Chonky                    Blue Color
Chrystal Keys             Blue Thunder
Cinematic Strings         Bo Pad
Cinematic Tension         Bod Lead
Circo                     Body Double
Classy EP                 Bolsy Bass
Clav So Morph             Bouncing Ballad
Closed Phasy              Brass House
Combo Emulation           Brasstrings
Confetti Tom              Brise Frog
Crying Filters            Brute 610
Cs Pad                    Brute Bass
Curio Ivories             Brute Embrace
Cuts Pad                  Brute Savages
Cyber Brute               By Jupiter
D Encore                  Cafe Racer
Dagashiya                 Calm Dock Morning
Dancing Particles         Carnival Of Light
Dans Le Flou              Cassette RFI
Deaths Harmonica          Celest Voices
Deep Solo                 Cheers To Oblivion
Desoriented               Chorus Core
Detuned Insects           Church Organ
Diamand Keys              Cinematic Strings
DigiPad                   Claps
DigiPluck                 Classic Brassic
Digital Colibri           Classic Set
Digital Fanfare           Classy EP
Digital Power             Clav So Morph
Dirty Tapes               Clock & Magic
Dirty Unison              Compression Sickness
Disco Pluck               Copper Sync
Disrespectful Subs        Cosmic Cello
DnB Wobbel Bass           Crunched Dirt
Dotted Seq Bass           CS90 Synth Pad
Double Filter Games       Dahu Keys
Double Keys               Dancefloor Killer
Doublecrunch              Dans Le Flou
Down To 4 Bit             Dare To Touch Me
Downward Spiral           Dark Brass
Draculas C64              Dark Forest
Dramatic                  Dark Space
Dream Seq                 Dark Tom
Drifter Bass              Decoded Messages
Dual Filter               Deep Coral
Dual Funk                 Deep Down
Dulcimer Organ            Deep Pluck
Dying Robot               DigiPad
Dysfunction               Digital Power
E Marimba                 DigiTal Strings
EcoTri                    Dijitta Keys
Effects Morph             Diptych
Electricarps              Dirt Elevator
Elka Brute 610            Dirty Delta Bass
Ephemere                  Distorted Reality
Eroding Rythm             DKR Kora
Error                     Dogs Out
Everything Major          Don't Trust Him
Evil Harp                 Double Hard
Evolving Pad              Double Triggers
Exponential Pad           Down 5ths
Fast Filter Puncher       Dr. Coppelius Vox
Fat Brass Of 2026         Dramatic Passage
Feedback Beast            Dream Machine
Feedback Games            Dream Pad
Fill The Speakers         Dreamies
Filter Aftertouch         Dreaming Harp
Filter FM                 Dreamy Bass
Filters Morph             Dual Filter
First Snowfall            Dubby Digital
Flat Eric Bass            Dynamic Arps
Floating Points           Earthquake Lead
Fluttering Air            Echo Chamber
Fm Majesty                EDM Seq
For KS Love               Eggs Perimental
Forbidden Fruits          Eigenmorph
Forbidden Ruban           Ekko Penta
Francely                  Enchanted Woods
Frenchie                  Enderby Land
Friction                  Epic Descent
Full Rocking Tubes        Evanescent Drops
Fun Geometry              Evil Harp
Funky Bass                Evolve
FX Hoover                 Exotic Pluck
Fx Perc Random            Fading Console
Game Over                 Fahrenheit
Gamma Goblins             Far Away Bells
Genk Ld                   Fatsaw
Ginza Chime               Filtered Ways
Give it Breath            First Contact
Glass Song                Flat Eric Bass
Gliss Fx                  Floating Feather
Glitch Gen                Flow Stasis
Glitch Rel MK2            Fluttering Away
Gradub                    FM Junkie
Granular Freelance        For Years And Years
GuitPian                  Formen
Happy Birthday            Fracking 101
Hard Sync                 Fractal Bazar
Harmonics Bass            Fragile Touch
Harps                     Free Rate Element
Harpsii                   Fun King
Have Faen Solo            Galax Lead
Hawkins                   Games of Difficulty
Heliko                    Geist Pad
Helix Bass                Generator Brute
Hello Mr. Lord            Ghost Dream
Hidden Reverb             Ghost Vacation
Hokema                    Ghostling
Hold Is Looper            Go Sub
Hollow Pump               Golem Bass
Homelander                Granular Pad
House Dust                Great Gates Of Kiev
Hyper Lead                Gritty Keys
I Am Looped               Gritty Pluck
I Am Old                  Gritty Road
IDM Lead                  Guky Reguh
Indian Dreams             Hanshelleren
Infernal Machina          Happy Birthday
Init                      Harpsii
Input Data                Haunted Dollhouse
Intone Change             Have Faen Solo
Japan Sun                 Hay Zee
Jean Marteau              Helix Lead
Juvenile                  Hidden Message
Keys Template             Hint Of DX
Kickass                   Hit The Wall
KickBassDrums             Hive Mind
Kilt                      House Dust
Laser War                 HP Hovercraft
Last Judgement            Humbucker Harmonics
Latenight Poem            Hvaldimir
Layer Detune              Ice Stalactites
Layer Lead                Idiophonic Workshop
Layer Template            Impact Saw
Lead Me On                Imperfect Storm
Lead Template             In Your Face
Lead To Random            Indus Keys
Levitel                   Infernal Lead
LFO Shape Morph           Instability
Like A Prophet            Intimate Rate
Lonely Hammond            Intro Bass
Lonely Road               It Dopples
Long Way                  Janus Lyre
Looping Envelope          Jungle Morphee
Lost                      Kaleidoscope
Lost Again                Kaleidoskope
Lucioles                  Keyed
Lyle Solo                 Kiasmos
Lyle Witchita             Kick Snare Roller
Magic Sweep               KrisTofer Lead
MagnetiK MagiK            La Belle Basse
Mambo Jambo               Lands Of Confusion
Marshlands                Last Angel
MediTation                Last Judgment
Melancholy Lane           Last Note Aftertouch
Metal in Cave             Late Night Drive
Metal Perc                Leonor
Metal Toy Piano           Let It Roll
Metalizer Organ           Letting Off Steam
Metalshot                 Licking Blue Flame
Microtonal Drops          Liquid Gaze
Modern Sitar              Loofy Key
Modular to Lead           Looking For You
Modwheel Slap Bass        Lost Again
Monotone                  Lost Gods
Morph Beat                Low Bass
Morph Piz LFO             LP HP
Morphart                  Lucid Dreamer
Morphee Destruction       Magic Sweep
Morphing A To B           Magma Flow State
Motion Recorder           Main Sustain
Movie Ambient             Major 9th Key
Music Box                 Mallet Arps
Mute Tap                  Melanchophonic
My Favorite               Messiaen Complex
New Horizons              Metastaxis
Nexus-6                   Mini Mood
Night City Organ          Mirrors
Nile Drum                 Missing Water
No Computer               Mont Blanc
No Human Piano            Moon River
No Mans Land              Morning Keys
Noise Reduct              Movie Ambient
Nostalgia                 Multi Path
OBrass                    Murakamis Dinner
Old Arp                   Neo Plunk
On A Mission              New Land
Organ 2033                New Life
Organ Of Dust             New World
Organum                   Nexus-6
Osaka Tones               OB Liquid
Oxytocin                  OBrass
Pad OG                    Ocarina Of Time
Pad Template              Oceanic Wind
PeinarPad                 Oceans Of Time
Persistent                Octa Pad
Piano And Synth           Orchid Garden
Pk Split                  Organic Growth
Plastic Drops             OrgaNu
Play in Rhythm            Oslo Organ
Please Agree              Pad Au Square
Plucking PWM              Paddington
Pobie Six                 Paperweight
Poly Tron                 Party Drop
Polymods                  Peaceful Mind
Polymood                  Perc Bass
Porta Mallet              Perspective Shift
Power Of Weigth           Pi Function
PPG 4.0                   Pianic Express
PPGi                      Piano & Synth
Press Z N Morph           Plastic Bells
Princesse Bubblegum       Plastic Palace
Profeld                   Pluck Bow
Progressive Split         Polaroid Lead
Pulsar                    Polite Waves
Pythagore                 Poly Keys
Quiver Lead               Poly Lights
Ragtime Piano             Poly Touch Runner
Rainy Day                 Porcupine Free
Random FM Bells           Porta Mallet
Random Love               Power Gen
Reactor 4                 PPG 4.0
Red Line                  Pressure Modem
Remote Lead               Pripyat Choir
RepeTitiv Nights          Progressive Split
Reshaped Keys             Punching Through
Reso Bass Tones           Pyroclastic
Ribbon On Pitch           Qemist Lead
Rich Strg                 Quadra Lead
Ripples                   Quiet Lake
Rocket Resonance          Racing Heart
Rough Diamond             Rainy Days
Rsa                       Ravy Saw
Rudess Lead               Reflecting
Run To You                Release Harp
Rusty Organ               Replicant
Sad Echoes                Resy Blue Buff
Savane                    Retrigger Attempts
Sea Pad                   Ricochets
Self Osc Fire             Ring Mod Tracking
Seq Arp Template          Rise Of The Beast
Sequencer Mod             Rob Bass
Seventies                 Roller Coaster
Seweringing               Rolling Pulse
Sheer Beauty              Rushed From Home
Shifting Advance          Rushing Emeralds
Shim                      Sandcastles
Shimmering                Scattered Showers
Shine On                  Scintil Pluck
Sid Tones                 Screaming Bellpad
Silk Road                 Sea Pad
Simple Wish               Seabed
Smooth and Coarse         Section Strings
Smooth Slider             Shift Interconnect
Soft OB Pad               Sin Pad
Soft Seq                  Singularity
Solini                    Sinister Movements
Solist                    Sirene
SoliStrings               Slappity Babidi Bass
Split Farfisa Z           Slow Deep Pad
Split Template            Slow Sinking
Spovtnik                  Smooth To Epic
Sprintpluck               Snare Electrica
Square Up                 So '80s
Stealth Moves             Soft Choir
Steel Grains              Soft OB Pad
Steiner.S Revenge         Soft Skin
Strident Beats            Softest Touch
String Duke               Solid Arp
String Sol                Solid Dialog
Sub Club                  Sombre Vue
Sub Up                    Sonar Stories
Super Dense               Space Odyssey
Sustain Mover             Square Up
Swarm Intelligence        Star Gaze
Sweet Pluck               Steiner S Revenge
Sweetspot                 Stranger Pac-Man
Sympathy Connection       Strings Mrmy
Symphonya                 Strings Of Atlantis
Syncat                    Stumps
Talky                     Sub Division
Tetris Challenge          Subtle Resonance
Thanks Lyle               Subway
The Fall                  Sun Eclipse
Them From S               Sunspots
Thick Beard               Sweet Degradation
Through The Mirror        Sweetspot
Thru Hall X               Swim In Your Dreams
Timbre Morph              Symphony Strings
Titanium Bass             Sync G
Tony Lead                 Synchronicity
Too Much Funk             Synth Choir
TriCS                     Synthetic Voices
Tubular Bass              Talking To Trees
Tuned MF18M               Talky
Twisted Coil              Tendenz
Tyrell Corporation        The Famous Sync
Uniphase                  The Gold Bug
Unisnappy                 The Lost Still Chant
Unison Lead               The Opening
Unison Metal Bass         The P5
Unison Rattle Bass        The Strings
Untuned                   The Synth Bass
Up The Tower              This Is Squarta
Use the Ribbon            Three Times
Vac Kick Bass             Tidal Split
Vcf Morph                 Time Freezer
VCO FM                    Tiqqun
VCO Quantize Chord        Tkn 3 Osc
VCO Quantize Poly         Touch Of Wisdom
VCO Sync                  Trans Siberia
Venus Organ               Trap Bells
Verb Mods                 Triangle Ripples
Vessel                    Tuned MF18M
VHS Keys                  Ultimate Dream
Violin to Organ           Undefinable
Vox Pet                   Undergrowth
Wahlk With Me             Uni Sweep
Wait                      Unitech Metalixer
Wally                     Unox 106
Wannabee Lesley           Up And Down
Wave Return               Vangelis Earth
Weirdos                   Vertauschen
Western Perc              Vessel
Wet Bass                  Vogelphone
Wild Pitch Monsters       Wairua
Wistful Hang              Wandering Albatross
Without Alcohol           Wave Drive
Wurlinet                  We Saw It Through
Xylorus                   Woaw Voices
Yawning                   Wow Organ
Z Controls Effects        Wurlinet
Ze Ancient Robots         Yawning
Zitherland                Zoula Dodo
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And here they are sectioned by first letter to make it easier to get an overview:

Factory original          Factory 3.0

13 VCOs                   808 Mafia
40 Years                  

A B Trip                  A B Trip
Acid Morphing             A Great Disturbance
Aciiiid                   Absence Of Light
Adventure Time            Abyss
African Qween             Acid Arp
After Touch Brass         Acid Beam
Alien Alarm               Acid Future
Amped Clarinet            Adventure Time
Analog Bass               Aft Oct
Angry Bass                After Split
Aquatic Ody-C             After Switch Lifts
Artefax                   After Thickener
Astral Lead               Akwrd Brass
Astral Wave               Aliased Keys
                          Alkaline Koto
                          Ambient Brute
                          Ambient Spiral
                          Ambient Stories
                          Ambivalent Score
                          Amplified Shadows
                          Amrit Lead
                          An Arp Hiding
                          Analog Bass
                          Analog Piano
                          Another Score
                          Arctic Depth
                          Armada Of Saws
                          As You Are
                          Atlantis Haze
                          Atonal Energy

Bard Song                 Back to 80's
Baroquesque               Back To Square One
Bass Template             Bard Song
Bast                      Bass Canon
Batari 1985               Bass Cave
Bells And Clouds          Bass Chords
BigBass                   Bass Evolution
Binaurarp                 Bassit
Birdy                     Basstard Seq
Bladerunning 2028         Beautiful Wonderland
Blooming Spores           Beauty Amidst Chaos
Blue Thunder              Bell Trip
Blue Waves                Big Decay
Blueprint                 Black Hole Phase
Bokeh Sequins             Bleu Lead
Bow N Arrow               Bliss Dividers
Brain Damager             Blooming Spores
Brass Chord Cloud         Blue Color
Brass Power               Blue Thunder
Brassicole                Bo Pad
Brassperlenspiel          Bod Lead
Bremen Bass               Body Double
Brutal FM Boys            Bolsy Bass
Brute Embrace             Bouncing Ballad
Buckle Up                 Brass House
                          Brise Frog
                          Brute 610
                          Brute Bass
                          Brute Embrace
                          Brute Savages
                          By Jupiter

Calm Minstrel             Cafe Racer
Captain                   Calm Dock Morning
Cassette RFI              Carnival Of Light
Cateline                  Cassette RFI
Celest Voices             Celest Voices
Cheesy to Syncy           Cheers To Oblivion
Cheezy                    Chorus Core
Cheyenne Pad              Church Organ
Children Arpg             Cinematic Strings
Chonky                    Claps
Chrystal Keys             Classic Brassic
Cinematic Strings         Classic Set
Cinematic Tension         Classy EP
Circo                     Clav So Morph
Classy EP                 Clock & Magic
Clav So Morph             Compression Sickness
Closed Phasy              Copper Sync
Combo Emulation           Cosmic Cello
Confetti Tom              Crunched Dirt
Crying Filters            CS90 Synth Pad
Cs Pad                    
Curio Ivories             
Cuts Pad                  
Cyber Brute               

D Encore                  Dahu Keys                          
Dagashiya                 Dancefloor Killer                  
Dancing Particles         Dans Le Flou                       
Dans Le Flou              Dare To Touch Me                   
Deaths Harmonica          Dark Brass                         
Deep Solo                 Dark Forest                        
Desoriented               Dark Space                         
Detuned Insects           Dark Tom                           
Diamand Keys              Decoded Messages                   
DigiPad                   Deep Coral                         
DigiPluck                 Deep Down                          
Digital Colibri           Deep Pluck                         
Digital Fanfare           DigiPad                            
Digital Power             Digital Power                      
Dirty Tapes               DigiTal Strings                    
Dirty Unison              Dijitta Keys                       
Disco Pluck               Diptych                            
Disrespectful Subs        Dirt Elevator                      
DnB Wobbel Bass           Dirty Delta Bass                   
Dotted Seq Bass           Distorted Reality                  
Double Filter Games       DKR Kora                           
Double Keys               Dogs Out                           
Doublecrunch              Don't Trust Him                    
Down To 4 Bit             Double Hard                        
Downward Spiral           Double Triggers                    
Draculas C64              Down 5ths                          
Dramatic                  Dr. Coppelius Vox                  
Dream Seq                 Dramatic Passage                   
Drifter Bass              Dream Machine                      
Dual Filter               Dream Pad                          
Dual Funk                 Dreamies                           
Dulcimer Organ            Dreaming Harp                      
Dying Robot               Dreamy Bass                        
Dysfunction               Dual Filter                        
                          Dubby Digital                      
                          Dynamic Arps                       

E Marimba                 Earthquake Lead                    
EcoTri                    Echo Chamber                       
Effects Morph             EDM Seq                            
Electricarps              Eggs Perimental                    
Elka Brute 610            Eigenmorph                         
Ephemere                  Ekko Penta                         
Eroding Rythm             Enchanted Woods                    
Error                     Enderby Land                       
Everything Major          Epic Descent                       
Evil Harp                 Evanescent Drops                   
Evolving Pad              Evil Harp                          
Exponential Pad           Evolve                             
                          Exotic Pluck                       

Fast Filter Puncher       Fading Console                     
Fat Brass Of 2026         Fahrenheit                         
Feedback Beast            Far Away Bells                     
Feedback Games            Fatsaw                             
Fill The Speakers         Filtered Ways                      
Filter Aftertouch         First Contact                      
Filter FM                 Flat Eric Bass                     
Filters Morph             Floating Feather                   
First Snowfall            Flow Stasis                        
Flat Eric Bass            Fluttering Away                    
Floating Points           FM Junkie                          
Fluttering Air            For Years And Years                
Fm Majesty                Formen                             
For KS Love               Fracking 101                       
Forbidden Fruits          Fractal Bazar                      
Forbidden Ruban           Fragile Touch                      
Francely                  Free Rate Element                  
Frenchie                  Fun King                           
                          Full Rocking Tubes            
                          Fun Geometry                  
                          Funky Bass                    
                          FX Hoover                     
                          Fx Perc Random                

Game Over                 Galax Lead                         
Gamma Goblins             Games of Difficulty                
Genk Ld                   Geist Pad                          
Ginza Chime               Generator Brute                    
Give it Breath            Ghost Dream                        
Glass Song                Ghost Vacation                     
Gliss Fx                  Ghostling                          
Glitch Gen                Go Sub                             
Glitch Rel MK2            Golem Bass                         
Gradub                    Granular Pad                       
Granular Freelance        Great Gates Of Kiev                
GuitPian                  Gritty Keys                        
                          Gritty Pluck                       
                          Gritty Road                        
                          Guky Reguh                         

Happy Birthday            Hanshelleren                       
Hard Sync                 Happy Birthday                     
Harmonics Bass            Harpsii                            
Harps                     Haunted Dollhouse                  
Harpsii                   Have Faen Solo                     
Have Faen Solo            Hay Zee                            
Hawkins                   Helix Lead                         
Heliko                    Hidden Message                     
Helix Bass                Hint Of DX                         
Hello Mr. Lord            Hit The Wall                       
Hidden Reverb             Hive Mind                          
Hokema                    House Dust                         
Hold Is Looper            HP Hovercraft                      
Hollow Pump               Humbucker Harmonics                
Homelander                Hvaldimir                          
House Dust                          
Hyper Lead                          

I Am Looped               Ice Stalactites                    
I Am Old                  Idiophonic Workshop                
IDM Lead                  Impact Saw                         
Indian Dreams             Imperfect Storm                    
Infernal Machina          In Your Face                       
Init                      Indus Keys                         
Input Data                Infernal Lead                      
Intone Change             Instability                        
                          Intimate Rate                      
                          Intro Bass                         
                          It Dopples                         

Japan Sun                 Janus Lyre                         
Jean Marteau              Jungle Morphee                     

Keys Template             Kaleidoscope                       
Kickass                   Kaleidoskope                       
KickBassDrums             Keyed                              
Kilt                      Kiasmos                            
                          Kick Snare Roller                  
                          KrisTofer Lead                     

Laser War                 La Belle Basse                     
Last Judgement            Lands Of Confusion                 
Latenight Poem            Last Angel                         
Layer Detune              Last Judgment                      
Layer Lead                Last Note Aftertouch               
Layer Template            Late Night Drive                   
Lead Me On                Leonor                             
Lead Template             Let It Roll                        
Lead To Random            Letting Off Steam                  
Levitel                   Licking Blue Flame                 
LFO Shape Morph           Liquid Gaze                        
Like A Prophet            Loofy Key                          
Lonely Hammond            Looking For You                    
Lonely Road               Lost Again                         
Long Way                  Lost Gods                          
Looping Envelope          Low Bass                           
Lost                      LP HP                              
Lost Again                Lucid Dreamer                      
Lyle Solo                       
Lyle Witchita                   

Magic Sweep               Magic Sweep                        
MagnetiK MagiK            Magma Flow State                   
Mambo Jambo               Main Sustain                       
Marshlands                Major 9th Key                      
MediTation                Mallet Arps                        
Melancholy Lane           Melanchophonic                     
Metal in Cave             Messiaen Complex                   
Metal Perc                Metastaxis                         
Metal Toy Piano           Mini Mood                          
Metalizer Organ           Mirrors                            
Metalshot                 Missing Water                      
Microtonal Drops          Mont Blanc                         
Modern Sitar              Moon River                         
Modular to Lead           Morning Keys                       
Modwheel Slap Bass        Movie Ambient                      
Monotone                  Multi Path                         
Morph Beat                Murakamis Dinner                   
Morph Piz LFO                  
Morphee Destruction            
Morphing A To B                
Motion Recorder                
Movie Ambient                  
Music Box                      
Mute Tap                       
My Favorite                    

New Horizons              Neo Plunk                          
Nexus-6                   New Land                           
Night City Organ          New Life                           
Nile Drum                 New World                          
No Computer               Nexus-6                            
No Human Piano                     
No Mans Land                       
Noise Reduct                       

OBrass                    OB Liquid                          
Old Arp                   OBrass                             
On A Mission              Ocarina Of Time                    
Organ 2033                Oceanic Wind                       
Organ Of Dust             Oceans Of Time                     
Organum                   Octa Pad                           
Osaka Tones               Orchid Garden                      
Oxytocin                  Organic Growth                     
                          Oslo Organ                         
Pad OG                    Pad Au Square                      
Pad Template              Paddington                         
PeinarPad                 Paperweight                        
Persistent                Party Drop                         
Piano And Synth           Peaceful Mind                      
Pk Split                  Perc Bass                          
Plastic Drops             Perspective Shift                  
Play in Rhythm            Pi Function                        
Please Agree              Pianic Express                     
Plucking PWM              Piano & Synth                      
Pobie Six                 Plastic Bells                      
Poly Tron                 Plastic Palace                     
Polymods                  Pluck Bow                          
Polymood                  Polaroid Lead                      
Porta Mallet              Polite Waves                       
Power Of Weigth           Poly Keys                          
PPG 4.0                   Poly Lights                        
PPGi                      Poly Touch Runner                  
Press Z N Morph           Porcupine Free                     
Princesse Bubblegum       Porta Mallet                       
Profeld                   Power Gen                          
Progressive Split         PPG 4.0                            
Pulsar                    Pressure Modem                     
Pythagore                 Pripyat Choir                      
                          Progressive Split                  
                          Punching Through                   

Quiver Lead               Qemist Lead                        
                          Quadra Lead                        
                          Quiet Lake                         
Ragtime Piano             Racing Heart                       
Rainy Day                 Rainy Days                         
Random FM Bells           Ravy Saw                           
Random Love               Reflecting                         
Reactor 4                 Release Harp                       
Red Line                  Replicant                          
Remote Lead               Resy Blue Buff                     
RepeTitiv Nights          Retrigger Attempts                 
Reshaped Keys             Ricochets                          
Reso Bass Tones           Ring Mod Tracking                  
Ribbon On Pitch           Rise Of The Beast                  
Rich Strg                 Rob Bass                           
Ripples                   Roller Coaster                     
Rocket Resonance          Rolling Pulse                      
Rough Diamond             Rushed From Home                   
Rsa                       Rushing Emeralds                   
Rudess Lead                           
Run To You                            
Rusty Organ                           

Sad Echoes                Sandcastles                        
Savane                    Scattered Showers                  
Sea Pad                   Scintil Pluck                      
Self Osc Fire             Screaming Bellpad                  
Seq Arp Template          Sea Pad                            
Sequencer Mod             Seabed                             
Seventies                 Section Strings                    
Seweringing               Shift Interconnect                 
Sheer Beauty              Sin Pad                            
Shifting Advance          Singularity                        
Shim                      Sinister Movements                 
Shimmering                Sirene                             
Shine On                  Slappity Babidi Bass               
Sid Tones                 Slow Deep Pad                      
Silk Road                 Slow Sinking                       
Simple Wish               Smooth To Epic                     
Smooth and Coarse         Snare Electrica                    
Smooth Slider             So '80s                            
Soft OB Pad               Soft Choir                         
Soft Seq                  Soft OB Pad                        
Solini                    Soft Skin                          
Solist                    Softest Touch                      
SoliStrings               Solid Arp                          
Split Farfisa Z           Solid Dialog                       
Split Template            Sombre Vue                         
Spovtnik                  Sonar Stories                      
Sprintpluck               Space Odyssey                      
Square Up                 Square Up                          
Stealth Moves             Star Gaze                          
Steel Grains              Steiner S Revenge                  
Steiner.S Revenge         Stranger Pac-Man                   
Strident Beats            Strings Mrmy                       
String Duke               Strings Of Atlantis                
String Sol                Stumps                             
Sub Club                  Sub Division                       
Sub Up                    Subtle Resonance                   
Super Dense               Subway                             
Sustain Mover             Sun Eclipse                        
Swarm Intelligence        Sunspots                           
Sweet Pluck               Sweet Degradation                  
Sweetspot                 Sweetspot                          
Sympathy Connection       Swim In Your Dreams                
Symphonya                 Symphony Strings                   
Syncat                    Sync G                             
                          Synth Choir                        
                          Synthetic Voices                   
Talky                     Talking To Trees                   
Tetris Challenge          Talky                              
Thanks Lyle               Tendenz                            
The Fall                  The Famous Sync                    
Them From S               The Gold Bug                       
Thick Beard               The Lost Still Chant               
Through The Mirror        The Opening                        
Thru Hall X               The P5                             
Timbre Morph              The Strings                         
Titanium Bass             The Synth Bass                     
Tony Lead                 This Is Squarta                    
Too Much Funk             Three Times                        
TriCS                     Tidal Split                        
Tubular Bass              Time Freezer                   
Tuned MF18M               Tiqqun                         
Twisted Coil              Tkn 3 Osc                      
Tyrell Corporation        Touch Of Wisdom                
                          Trans Siberia                  
                          Trap Bells                     
                          Triangle Ripples              
                          Tuned MF18M                   

Uniphase                  Ultimate Dream                
Unisnappy                 Undefinable                   
Unison Lead               Undergrowth                   
Unison Metal Bass         Uni Sweep                     
Unison Rattle Bass        Unitech Metalixer             
Untuned                   Unox 106                      
Up The Tower              Up And Down                   
Use the Ribbon                     

Vac Kick Bass             Vangelis Earth                
Vcf Morph                 Vertauschen                   
VCO FM                    Vessel                        
VCO Quantize Chord        Vogelphone                    
VCO Quantize Poly                                     
VCO Sync                                          
Venus Organ                                       
Verb Mods                                         
VHS Keys                                       
Violin to Organ                                
Vox Pet                   

Wahlk With Me             Wairua                   
Wait                      Wandering Albatross      
Wally                     Wave Drive               
Wannabee Lesley           We Saw It Through        
Wave Return               Woaw Voices              
Weirdos                   Wow Organ                
Western Perc              Wurlinet                 
Wet Bass                                  
Wild Pitch Monsters                      
Wistful Hang                                       
Without Alcohol          


Yawning                   Yawning  

Z Controls Effects        Zoula Dodo
Ze Ancient Robots        

And for completeness sake, here’s the Factory 2.0 bank with 64 new patches:

Factory 2.0

Absence Of Light
Alkaline Koto
Ambivalent Score
Analog Piano
Another Score
Atlantis Haze
Auto MxArp
Basic Seq
Bass Chords
Blue Color
Blue Thunder
Carnival Of Light
Cheers To Oblivion
Chorus Core
Cosmic Cello
Dark Ring FX
DigiTal Keys
DKR Kora
Dreamy Phase
Dubby Digital
Echo Chamber
Ever Evolving
Fluttering Away
Funky Arps
Generator Brute
Go Sub
Guitar Bass
HP Hovercraft
Infernal Lead
Jazzy Chords
Kick Snare Roller
KrisTofer Lead
Lands Of Confusion
Last Note Aftertouch
Letting Off Steam
Licking Blue Flame
Lygra Flute MxArp
Major 9th Key
Midnight Laser Show
Mini Mood
Moka EP
Moving Arpeg
Poly Keys
Poly Lights
Psy Tranche
Quadra Lead
Racing Heart
Rainy Days
Release Harp
Sc Chord Pad
Slava Brass
Super MatrixArp
Sweet Brute Lead
Sync G
Ultimate Dream
Zoula Dodo
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Thank you very much for taking the time to do this.

I’m curious if anyone has played much with the 3.0 Project and how it compares to the stock instrument back.

Try it out :slight_smile:

There are many small improvements (e.g. LFO3 curve visualization or reloading the last saved preset, LED light management), but also some heavy major improvements.
For me the major new hit are:

  • the Stereo Mode for Layers - try it together with “Stereo Spread” setting “Voice + Filter pan” (12.3.2. Out>Stereo modes)
    Great to spread the two OSC and the 6 voices. But keep in mind this setting allows 3 notes to be played at the same time only.
  • The other one is the new distortion in the effects section (11.3. Distortion Effects)
    The distortion also works like an “Enhancer” or “Compressor” - it pulls up the output of the sound - together with the distortion.
    – I have ground noise (like it was in the past with analogue synth) if the distortion is opened wide…
  • Would be great to have a mild compressor to equalize the volume of presets - without distortion (I know it is possible to adjust the output volume of each preset). Maybe Arturia puts it on the list for the next update :slight_smile:
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Oh I definitely upgraded my firmware to 3.0! I meant the new Project bank of presets. I might give them a shot, after all my correct custom Project is saved in Connected.