Are the presets from Mini V3 compatible with Mini V4?

I wonder if one can load the Mini V3 presets on Mini V4.
It was hard back then when Mini V2 was replaced with V3, and presets were not compatible. Hope not again and that this time .minix files are fully compatible with V4

Hi @ELP_freak and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum.

Iā€™m afraid presets from Mini V3 arenā€™t forward compatible with Mini V4. Iā€™m told that both versions are just too different ā€˜under the hoodā€™.

Hope that clears that up for you.

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Thank you so much @matjones !
Itā€™s a pity that from time to time one will lose all their patches if they want to keep up with the new Mini versions (and I presume the new Modular, eventually). Or maybe will have to cope with months of work recreating all of them manually. IMO, itā€™s a price greater than the $.
Thanks again!

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Worth noting as an addendum that Arturia do not ever uninstall the old versions of their apps if the newer versions are incompatible.

So unless your computer itself obsoletes Arturiaā€™s older apps (Iā€™m looking directly at you, Apple), literally no one is making you recreate all your favourite legacy presets, because Arturia has industry-leading ethics.


Is Arturia perpetually supporting older versions of the redesigned synths, patching as needed for new OS and hardware iterations? (Apple shenanigans notwithstanding). If not (as I suspect), ā€œuse the previous versionā€ is not an acceptable solution, particularly for emulations of instruments that havenā€™t changed in up to 50 or more years.

There must be a way for Arturia to programmatically duplicate at least the patch parameters essential to the original instrument, make reasonable decisions on effects and extended features, default new features to off, and report what canā€™t be converted.

A lot of gigging musicians rely on these emulations to work reliably night after night, year after year, to play their repertoire of originals and covers without having to tour with their bulky and fragile or practically unobtainable hardware synths. OS updates and laptop replacement is a pain enough. Having to recreate hundreds of purchased or custom patches because that version of a 43 year old classic synth doesnā€™t run anymore is beyond reason

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If youā€™re asking for my own opinion?
I do not work for Arturia so i cannot possibly comment, even if i knew, on whether or not this will/wonā€™t/should or shouldnā€™t happen on their behalf.
IF it were to happen, and thereā€™s ABSOLUTELY NO SUGGESTION EITHER WAY ON MY PART, thatā€™s in caps 'cos i know what ā€˜teh internetzā€™ is like, it would be announced officially through the main website or via The Newsletter.

I do get some of your points on a personal level though, but at the same time i would not update my own bass guitars, amp rig etc every year or two. Ok thereā€™s a slight difference with software, but OSā€™s tend to change rather less frequently so many of the pro players i know personally, keyboard players and e Drummers included, tend to work with ā€˜frozenā€™ systems, there are even a few studios out there still using old Atari STs for their midi needs 'cos if it ainā€™t broke and itā€™s still making moneyā€¦

Not trying to be contentious here, just offering a different perspective as there are clearly many.

I donā€™t read any contentiousness in your reply. If fact we agree on a lot. Especially regarding using ā€œfrozenā€ systems. As much as folks love Apple productsā€“and for good reason, everybody I know who has used a MacBook for a long time has been bitten by MacOSā€™s insatiable appetite for new OS upgrades that sometimes breaks third party applications until the vendor can catch up with their own update. Thatā€™s why I use and recommend to other VST gigging keyboardists to use the LTSC (Long Term Service Channel) of Windows. Itā€™s a little more expensive, but it is much more lightweight leaving more power to your synths, and each release is fully supported by Microsoft for 10 years IIRC. The only updates it gets are security patches. Itā€™s just a little harder to get too, but actually pretty easy with a simple phone call to a sales representative at a business-oriented software reseller like CDW. You have to enter into a ā€œenterprise volume licensing agreementā€ which has a minimum initial purchase of 5 or 6 SKUs, but the sales rep should be able to help guide you to meet that by selling you the number of Windows licenses you need, plus a few of the cheapest ā€œclient access licensesā€ for some software you probably wonā€™t have anyway just to inflate the quantity to meet the initial minimum.

I also fully appreciate Arturiaā€™s reasoning for patch incompatibilities between re-architected products and that each version is a different synth in its own right. My only point is that Arturia needs to realize that a synthesizer intended to take the place of a revered hardware device carries a much greater expectation of longevity and a pattern of expectation that newer models will be able to consume the information saved by their older counterparts with some reasonable chance of success. Kurzweil is an excellent example of this expectation.


Arturia upgraded most synths from as far back as VC4 to 64-bit, so that IMO shows commitment to supporting users of legacy apps. In Wiindows-land there are no issues running older versions of V Collection synths, so far, AFAIK. For the time being, there isnā€™t in Apple-land. The elephant in the room is mostly Apple Silicon (AS) Macs. Arturia havenā€™t re-coded all their legacy apps to AS (some have been, but not all), and nor should they be expected to IMO. So for people who have an AS Mac (including me), the clock is ticking for older apps, Arturiaā€™s and otherwise. At some point within the next few years, Rosettta 2 will be decommissioned, so any apps not then coded for AS will be unusable. And thatā€™s a time-bomb entirely of Appleā€™s making. But they donā€™t give a fig about us. They just want to sell you new hardware.

This is why I keep a Windows 11 system for the long term even though Iā€™m a Mac user. Windows still supports the earlier 64bit Analog Lab versions and I can load all the legacy sounds, unlike MacOS. Iā€™m also an advocate for using VST as much as possible (if your DAW supports). I learned the hard way and had to modify hundreds of Mac-based Ableton projects that used Audio Units which were no longer supported for some synths. Now I can load everything on a Windows machine that I do on Mac, which is vital when clients want to revive old sessions. Committing to audio is helpful, but sometimes we need the plugins.