Another way to disable any key-related pitch change for OSC 1, 2 or both?

I know we can use the mod matrix (Keyboard > Pitch) to archieve this, by setting the value to -64. But that’s not satisfying, since the value’s limit is -60, so we have to add another mod for the remaining -4 … Shouldn’t be -60 (semitones) enough, normally? Hm…
Another idea would be to do this by a sort of a microtuning feature, but that’s a feature request already.
Is there another idea, or maybe an existing way to quickly disable keys/notes affecting osc pitch?

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Hi @Rundraster ,

I agree the modulation amounts for Pitch should be ± 64 instead of ± 60 as an amount of 64 is needed to use the Keyboard follow modulation to level out notes so all keys play the same note.

I suggest you contact Arturia support through your about this. To me it look like an oversight.


thanks for your agreement.
Have asked the support.

Is there anyone else who experienced this? Maybe even before V 3.0?

Did support pass it to the designers/ developers to be evaluated?

I think from the first version i found it was’nt possible to disconnect the keyboard tracking from pitch. Back then i tried the modulation and also found i needed two modulations. I thought this would be changed by Arturia as it looked like an oversight/ bug, and it would make sense to be able to use only one linear keytrack modulation to give all played notes the same pitch.

I think Arturia should change/ correct this even if it may be an odd design choice. It is just to add a little more modulation range for the Keytrack modulator.

The manual say it’s 60 semitones for pitch 1+2.
From the manual page 97:
Pitch 1+2 column has amounts from -60 to +60, representing 60 semitones (5 octaves)
sharp or flat.”

But the Pivot note seems to count. In my book that’s a bug. If you count the C pivot note, then the 12’th note is a B and not a C as it should be. The pivot note should be counted as 0 as i see it.

Pivot note. Nice term to descibe that.
I got an reply today from the support that comfirms the issue and that it probably appeared since the first version.
And it’s been forwarded as parent bug report / feature request to the devs.
Will maybe fixed in the next update. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the informations @Rundraster. :crossed_fingers: