Another Pigments patch

After my troubles sharing a Pigments patch using a sample from a paid for patch collection, here is one not using samples. Please read the patch notes to get the most out of it.
LP_Pigments_Preset_Psyche Organ.pgtx (117.8 KB)


Since the patch uses wavetables, you don’t have the issue with using samples people don’t have. Congrats. Also, I like that you make use of the mod wheel. I am a big fan of doing real time control of synth parameters!

In another software synth from a different manufacturer I use a key-triggered envelop to do subtle movement within a narrow range of a waves in a table of 40 waves. On top of that the mod wheel is used to do real time textural changes through a larger range of waves. After I understand the Pigments synth engine better I will see how well the technique works in Pigments.

I’d like to use custom wavetables and hope those can be shared within a patch definition. So, I might be exploring what can and can’t be included in uploaded patches.

I’ve learned from your experience in this thread. Thanks for following through on the issue raised.


Hey @Funtmaster ! thanks for re-posting with the right parameters :zap:

This preset is so much fun!

Let’s keep exploring :rocket:

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Many thanks. I shall keep 'em coming…

Thanks for posting!