Hi , I’m a new to astrolab , I’m programming my sounds using Analog Lab , and in the single instrument ( for example a Prophet V ) I use to put the FX that are in the single instrument , and not using the global effect , but , when I saved the new patch to the Astrolab , there’s no FX on the astrolab itself .
Maybe I can’t use the single fx from the single instruments and move it to astrolab ?
If you use the internal effects of an instrument from the V-Collection (or Pigments) in Analog Lab, AstroLab will be able to load the preset and use the internal effects (except convolution reverbs), but those effects won’t be controlled by the FX A/B, Delay and Reverb knobs on AstroLab. (but you should hear those effects in AstroLab)
If you want to be able to control the effects on AstroLab, you should use the effects of Analog Lab (in the Edit Preset page) rather than the instrument’s internal effects.
The effects FX A/B, Delay and Reverb of Analog Lab are the same as the ones in AstroLab.
Thanks Sean for the answer , I need to check with the keyboard , maybe i’m doing something wronge in saving patches … I will let you know asap . thank again
I’M really confused … try and retry … but somethng missing … just take a preset , exagerate with instrument ef like rise the reverb up to 70% , save it on Analog Lab , everythink is ok , than take this saved preset and saved to astrolab library , done , disconnect the astrolab from usb , close the analog lab on the mac. , listen to the new preset on astrolab e no reverb at all - I can open and rise the reverb send from reverb knob … but I have no reverb from the internal instruments fx .
reverb is just for example … any fx from the internal instruments aren’t saved on astrolab .
I think i’m gonna missing some stupid think , but I’m confused …
UPDATE : now I’m quite sure , is only the REVERB from internal sound tha is not saved when saved to astrolab … for reverb have to use the global reverb … stay tune . Giorgio
Could you give an example or which instrument(s) you are using? And which fx (other than the reverb)?
As I mentioned above, the only internal effect that is not carried over from instruments to AstroLab is the reverb (convolution reverb in all Augmented instruments, all pianos and organs, and in a couple mono synths), and you should use the Analog Lab/AstroLab Reverbs instead.
Again, the FX A/B, Delay and Reverb knobs on AstroLab do not control the internal fx of the instruments, only the Analog Lab effects.
ok , sorry I’ve misunderstood your firs answer . I was confused because of the possibility to set reverb in the AL instruments … and not been saved in ASTROLAB … but if it’s so , it’s fine .
In fact it could be strange ( or interesting ) the possibility to use the AL reverb plus The master REVERB …
Now I have to check my custom preset to be sure of the correct use of the reverb
Thank again for the support