Analog Lab Effects Pedals in Pigments?

Is there a way to have the guitar effects pedals that are in Analog Lab’s preset editing into Pigments standalone?

Because I only see like 5 reverb presets in Pigments, but there’s a lot more reverbs in that effects pedals. I’m new to Pigments and still learning.

I could just use it through Analog Play, but then I wont have the encoders and faders doing the things it does in standalone.


There is no way to use the Analog Lab pedals in Pigments standalone. But I’m willing to bet that the effect of most of those virtual pedals is easily achievable in the existing Pigments Reverb effect.

Examine how the existing Pigments Reverb presets change the Reverb parameters to make the effect, and you’ll be well on your way to understanding how reverb works in general. Once you understand that, you’ll be able to replicate whatever kind of reverb you’d like just by tweaking a couple parameters.

Thank you!

Hi hhRider!

In Analog Lab, Pigments is just another intruments so you get the “guitar pedal effects”.
There is an Analog Lab Play (similar to free Kontakt play). It says “free download”.
It seems to have the “guitar pedal effects”.

If you’re learning Pigments (standalone), Talahamut’s advice is well advised.
The pedal effect reverb has 7 controls and the Pigments reverb also has 7 controls. Six share the same label. The M/S (midside) control in AL is called Stereo width in Pigments. I tried to emulate AL “digital reverb” on Pigments and to me they sound alike. Granted it may not be as cute.
In Pigments, you have Reverb and Shimmer, which I believe is not available in the pedal effects.

Sounds good! I know Pigments is very capable, and that getting the sound i’m looking for is just a matter of me learning how to make it. Very impressed with it so far.

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