90 Day Sound Exploration! w/Pigments

Greetings fellow Sound Explorers!

So I’m embarking on a 90 day sonic exploration using Pigments synth. I’m just learning my way around it and so I thought this might be a good way to dive in. Anyhow, I’m here because I’d like to see if you want to join me :flying_saucer:

This journey is more than just music; it’s a quest to explore the existential wonder and depth of space and far away worlds. Hopefully I get better improve by day 90, either way it will be fun!

The 90 day period of pigments sound design is meant to reflect the initial 90-sol journey of Mars rover Opportunity, which it went on to surpass by several years. My goal is to draw inspiration from this spirit of discovery and resilience amidst the vast unknown.

Each day, I’m crafting textures/ ambiance or specific instrument patches with the minilab3 controller and Pigments and seeking to evoke sounds of space. Live streams will be on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN_ZpOgHvWVhA1J5Cw0875g

I hope you’ll join me, even for just some of the time…

I’ll be sure to post the resulting sounds and patches here. Happy deep space voyagin’ my friends! :sparkles:

[ Tag your stuff #90daysoundexploration ]

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Hi @hunterwiley and welcome to our Sound Explorers Forum.

Thanks for posting! I can see this being interesting for new and older users of Pigments looking to further their knowledge or even get a different viewpoint on the instrument.

Great post!

Please make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about the latest news from Arturia.


Totally! I’m finding that consistency with the same synth and variation in intent of patch design has been a great combo for learning :smiley:

Happy sound scaping friend!!

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I cannot promise to be as present as desired but I will stop by your Youtube channel to benefit from your developments on the subject.
For my part I must admit to being a little lost in the flow of settings, it’s really random in my exploration, in small eclectic use sessions, but your idea is very interesting and on occasion I I’ll think about it.
The only downside is that I don’t speak English at all (I’m part of this generation of bad students who already had difficulty with the elements of the French language).
A big thank you to Edge and Google translation without whom I would not be able to benefit from written exchanges.
I subscribed to your channel.
Good Chalenge.

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Thank mat! I love all the stuff Arturia is cooking up! Pigments is my first soft synth that I’m really diving deep into :sparkles:

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Salut Pascal! Merci d’en avoir visite mon channel! :slight_smile: En fait, je parle un peu de francais, mais je crois pas que j’ai le niveau pour parler sur le suject de synthesizers jeje

En tout cas, je n’utilise pas un microphone chaque fois. Ainsi ca me permits de me concentrer le sound design et aussi c’est plus simple de commencer an emission.

Je comprends completement la situation quand on se trouve perdu dans le settings. Ce qui m’aidait c’etait le course de Seed to Stage Pigments. Le instructor Anthony explique bien les procesus /workflows.

Grand merci encore ami, on se voit sur le tube :slight_smile:

Hello hunterwiley,
thank you for this nice message and in French it’s super nice.
On the other hand, I have a little less time to enjoy your progress on the exploration of Pigment but we are lucky to be able to enjoy the videos afterwards.
I purchased the V collection 9, now I don’t think I’m going to know where to give anymore, but here too I’m completely satisfied with this investment.
I’m torturing my mind to find inspiration for new compositions, but my brain is a little confused at the moment, it’s not just music that’s occupying my mind.
Thank you in any case for your challenge and especially for your sharing.
Still 77 days for the finale, it will be possible to pop the champagne virtually.
Musical Friendship.

Bonjour hunterwiley ,
merci pour ce message sympathique et en Français c’est super sympa.
Par contre j’ai un peu moins de temps pour profiter de ton avancé sur l’exploration de Pigment mais nous avons la chance de pouvoir profiter des vidéos ensuite.
J’ai fait l’acquisition de V collection 9 , là je pense que je ne vais plus savoir ou donner de la tête , mais là aussi je suis entièrement satisfait de cet investissement .
Je me torture l’esprit pour trouver l’inspiration pour de nouvelles compositions, mais mon cerveau est un peu embrouillé en ce moment, il n’y à pas que la musique qui m’occupe l’esprit.
Merci en tout cas pour ton chalenge et surtout de ton partage.
Encore 77 jours pour le final, son pourra sabrer le champagne virtuellement.
Amitié Musicale.