3rd party Polybrute patch recommendations?

I would love to hear any recommendations for 3rd party patches that you’ve found for the Polybrute.

I’ve purchased a few different sets (3digitsamples, SynthTaxi but would love more.

Hey @moultonalex welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

As you may expect we don’t suggest to download anything from 3rd party as it is pretty risky and you could finish up by getting some viruses, if you do so it’s at your own risk so better be careful :face_with_monocle:

Nevertheless at Arturia we have free sound banks for every instrument and you can trust them :100: by simply going here:

HIH :zap:


Can all of these load onto the Polybrute?

I’ve purchased many of the preset packs via the shop, and while they’re wonderful, none of them include patches for the Polybrute…thus my original question.

Welcome to the community both of you.

Nats.arturia show above how to find the current 20 free Polybrute Connect preset banks using the preset search on the sound page. 12 with 24 presets and 8 with 32 presets.

Only Polybrute preset banks can be used for Polybrute.

I don’t have a Polybrute, so i don’t know how presets actually are handled. But the presets are for Polybrute.

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Geosynths has a lot of extremely playable patches.

Here very nice Polybrute patches

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its crazy how there are only two other 3th party preset banks available. It really makes me think how unsuccessful the polybrute is :frowning: there is nearly no other synth with so few third party presets.

Hi @moultonalex @Earthfolk92

I’ve found a few preset packs in the Sounds section of the official Arturia website.

I really don’t like downloading 3rd party stuff but these presets are definitely doing the trick for me.

Just make sure to select PolyBrute Connect from the Instruments as shown in the picture below:

How can I copy whole banks/packs of presets to the Polybrute? So far im only able to copy each single preset to the synth.

Hi Quint,
isn’t so difficult…
Example on a MS-PC in Connect:

  • select a bank on the left
  • select the first preset in the middle column
  • press Shift, and
  • select the last
  • drag it over to the first slot on the right and drop it
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Hi Moultonalex - I’m John (aka Yohonis on some other audio forums), the person who makes the PolyBrute presets under the name Synthtaxi. I just wanted to say thanks for downloading my presets, I hope you like them. FYI, I will be releasing a new bank within a month or so for the PolyBrute. Once I get a PolyBrute 12 (which I’m super excited for) I will re-release all of my past patches to make use of the new keybed features.

I definitely understand the apprehension that some folks have for downloading 3rd party patches, but I try to be forthcoming with who I am, where I’m located, and providing my contact information in case you have any problems with my patches. I try to respond to any post-purchase inquiries within 24 hours. I also use what I know to be well-known companies/websites to offer my sound design presets (All demos on YouTube, all downloads done through Gumroad, much of my custom services offered through UpWork). None of these companies would let me operate through their website if I were trying to run some sort of scam. For anyone reading this, Gumroad and UpWork require verification of identification, financials, and mailing address in order to operate as a contractor/retailer.

Anyway, thanks again for using my patches. I hope to make many more that people will enjoy and find useful in their projects.

Take care,

John (Yohonis)


That’s very kind of you, I was hoping for this.
There are more providers where I bought patches and hope that they also make an adjustment for the Polybrute 12…
Thanks for your effort… :smiley:


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No problem Rob!

Hello again - I’ve released a new bank of patches. You can see the demo video at the YouTube link below. If you’d like to purchase it, the Gumroad link is also below.

If you are a returning customer on my Gumroad page who has either donated or paid for a product prior to today’s date, make sure you check your email before purchasing. I always send a thank you to previous customers with a one-time discount.

Sci-Fi Horror Nightmare Dream PolyBrute Bank Demo

Direct link to purchase

I have about 70 original patches I’d like to give Arturia for free to pick through, choose favorites and create a new community bank out of them. Who could I get in touch with?

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…I have a few presets I would pass on for free too.

The Lustral Vol 2 by Scott McAuley is the best I’ve heard so far.

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