Feature request: new way to switch to next/previous preset

I’m loving the Minifreak, but for live usage, changing presets is not very pleasant. I play in a band that is constantly changing presets in guitars, bass and keyboards, and it would be very nice being able to switch to next or previous preset with a button instead of rotating a small knob and then pressing it.

As you cannot add new buttons to the hardware, I would suggest either having shift+octave up/down or introducing a MIDI command for next/previous preset, so I can connect a programmable MIDI footswitch to run those commands.

I agree, it would be really helpful to be able to change presets faster…
How about the Sequencer Buttons? Perhaps the when the Arp/Seq is Off, the Sequencer Step Buttons could be used to asign and recall favourite presets?
Or perhaps e.g. Shift + Keyboard Keys (as was already suggested on the legacy forum)?

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Hi again @molul and @vp1 thanks guys for sharing your suggestions with us!
We highly appreciate your feedback and we will let our team know about it.

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Let’s keep exploring :zap:

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Yes, the sequencer buttons might do the trick as well. I owned a Korg Minilogue xd and all sequencer buttons were able to save/recall presets :slight_smile:

If this was implemented, I’d suggest making it like this (assuming arp/seq is off):
-Shift+seq button to save, probably a second tap to confirm
-Seq button tap to recall (or maybe a double tap to avoid mistakes)

In the Minilogue, I think it was long press to save, and shift+seq button to recall, but that needed having both hands free, which in my band is not usual, as the keyboardist plays two keyboard (Nord Electro and MiniFreak) ^_^U

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Thank you for the additional feedback !

I have added this to the log on our end in regards to improvements on preset browsing and possible favorite listings.

Do note that you can also use program changes if you wish to have the preset toggling embedded into a master sequencer fed into the Minifreak.

Best regards.

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